Creating home as our sanctuary and the place that fosters graceful living happens naturally and subtly over time. We may not think of our decisions that occur every-day to sustain our home, but there is no doubt it is we who direct its development.
Being in charge of our own home brings meaning and priceless quality to our life and enables our individual potential to flourish.
The household is each resident’s home and sanctuary.
The people who live here direct their own lives, individually and collectively.
The boundaries of the person and his/her home are clear and respected as a matter of course.
Grace, a shared sense of what is sacred about the house and its people, is deeply valued, consciously created and preserved. Ritual, spontaneity, friendship, spirituality, celebration, recreation, choice, independence, art and humour are all manifestations of a culture of grace.
The people who live here are loved and served by a responsive, highly valued, decentralized, self-led service team that has responsibility and authority.
Leadership is characteristic, not a position. Leaders support and are supported by values-driven, resource bearing principles and practices as a way for each person to actualize his or her full potential.
All systems, including treatments, exist to support and serve the person, within the context of his or her life pursuits.
We build strong community with one another, our family, our neighbours, and our town. Each household is part of a neighbourhood of houses, dedicated to continuous learning.
The physical building and all its amenities are designed to be a true home. Institutional creep in design and culture is treated as a wolf at the door.
“Our leadership here is just wonderful.”
Virginia Nordlee, Former Samaritan Place companion